Improve your mobility, stability, flexibility and bone density while you learn Tai Chi in the park.
We teach the 24 form of the Yang style of Tai Chi. In each class we focus on a couple of the forms in the series and then we add them all together.
We are holding classes at the park behind the North Woodside Community Centre at 230 Pleasant Street in Dartmouth.
Friday evening from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The classes while continue into the fall. We will continue until it is too cold outside.
What to bring
First of all dress appropriately for the weather. Flat shoes, comfortable clothing that you can move easily in, a hat and sunglasses are all a good idea.
Bring bottled water. There is no water available on site.
You may want to bring a folding lawn chair, if you need to take a break.
One month of classes is $32.
Size limit
The class is limited to 15 people. The first 15 people to register will be in the class. The remainder will be on a waiting list.
Registration is required. Send an email to jack.godfrey@gmail.com with this information:
- Full name;
- phone number and
- address.
To learn more about the class and get your questions answered call Jack @ 902-718-7540 or send an email to jack.godfrey49@gmail.com.
I am not very co-ordinated? For each of the forms we introduce a sequence of movements that you can use to learn a new form. It is repeated over and over again.
What happens when it is raining? There will be no class when it is raining. If in doubt call me at 902-718-7540 to confirm. The rain date is Monday @ 6:30 pm.
What about the heat? There is some shade near by. There is usually a nice breeze coming from the harbour. Bring a bottle of water to help cool down your body.
What will I do if I get tired? There is a picnic table in the shade near where we are practicing. There are also some very large boulders near by that you can lean against or sit on. Finally you can bring a folding lawn chair to rest on.