How to use Deliberate Practice to get more out of your yoga

I was in Montreal practicing yoga at Darby’s studio.  Everyday I watched Darby complete the Advanced series of Ashtanga Yoga.  He was extremely focused on his practice. Darby has been practicing yoga for over 30 years. He has an amazing and very advanced practice. Each year he returns to India to practice with his teacher.  […]

How yoga gets rid of stress

Stress! Just reading the word and your body starts to get tense. Stress is a big problem in everyone’s life. The shallow breathing, the rapidly beating heart, the sweaty palms, the whirling mind. Stress causes havoc to your body. Yoga can help you to manage stress. The heightened awareness of your body that a regular […]

How to protect your wrists in Parsvottanasana

Bob’s wrists were really hurting.  Bob is thinking that Parsvottanasana is such a simple pause, that all he has to do is put his hands together behind his back, take a step forward and bend over. But his wrists are really hurting.  The more he tries to get his palms together behind his back the […]

The 3 habits of great yoga practice buddies

Sam needs a partner that she can depend on.  It is critical that her partner be punctual as well.  Every night they have a date to go out for a walk to the park.  If Sam’s partner is late Sam’s stress level increases rapidly.  It is very important that Sam’s partner makes it on time.  […]