Sun Salute A Exit to Tadasana

Exit to Tadasana (Mountain Pose) In the previous position Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hand posture) you have your arms up over your head and you are gazing up towards your thumbs. Now we are going to finish the Sun Salute by exhaling lowering your arms down to your sides and gazing towards the horizon How to […]

Sun Salute A Position #9

Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hand posture) This is the same position as Position 1 except that you are moving up from the floor rather than down towards the floor. In the previous position you had your hands on the floor and your chest and head were lowered down towards your legs. In this position you: inhale […]

Sun Salute A Position #8

Uttanasana (standing forward bend) This is the same position as Position 2 except that you enter it from the chest lifted positon rather than the hands up position. In the previous position you had your hands flat to the floor or on your shins and your chest and head were lifted away from your legs. […]

Sun Salute A Position #7

Jump forward and lift chest In the previous position you exhaled and lifted your hips up and lowered your shoulders down and moved into downward dog. In this positon you: inhale make a spring out of your legs bring the legs forward and bring the feet between the hands lift your chest and head while […]

Sun Salute A Position #6

Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Shvanasana In the previous position your inhaled lifted the head and shoulders up and gazed towards the horizon. In this position, which is a forward bend, you: exhale roll back over your toes and bring your heels towards the floor. lift your hips towards the ceiling lower your head […]

Sun Salute A Position #5

Upward Facing Dog – Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana In the previous position your exhaled and jumped your feet back and lowered down to the floor. In this position, which is a strong back bend, you inhale lift the shoulders up towards the ceiling straighten your arms, leaving your hips near the floor the top of your […]

Sun Salute A Position #4

Chatarunga Dandasana In the previous position your inhaled and lifted the chest and head from your thighs. In this position you exhale jump back to high plank lower down towards the floor and hover above the floor and your gaze is down the nose towards the floor How to do it If your hands were […]