Sun Salute A Position #3

Lift Head and Chest In the previous position you exhaled, folded forward, lowered your torso towards your thighs and brought your hands to the floor beside your feet. This position, Lift Chest and Head, which is the third position of the Sun Salute A series, is a mild back bend. You are going to: Inhale […]

Sun Salute A Position #2

Uttanasana (standing forward bend) In the previous position you are standing tall with your arms up over your head.  Uttanasana, the second position of the Sun Salute A series, is a strong forward bend. You are going to: Exhale fold forward bring the hands to the floor beside your feet and gaze down the nose […]

Sun Salute A Position #1

Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Hand posture) This is the first posture of the Sun Salute series.  It is a mild back bend. How to do it Begin with Tadasana (Mountain pose).  Your arms are resting at the side of your body, your palms facing inwards towards the body and the thumbs pointing forward.  The shoulders are […]

How to do a Sun Salute

This is the beginning of a series of articles covering the two Sun Salutes that you do in the Ashtanga yoga practice.  Sun Salute A and Sun Salute B are done at the start of every Ashtanga Yoga practice. The articles were written with the person new to yoga in mind. I have attempted to […]

How to do Tadasana

Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Tadasana is one of the few asanas that has two names. It is also called Samasthiti. Tadasana is Sanskrit for “Mountain pose” and Samasthiti is Sanskrit for “Equal Standing”.  Samasthiti is a command to come to Equal Standing. You accomplish this command by standing in Tadasana. A quick overview Stand tall with […]

You’re in my Spot!

Alice came to me the other day with a problem. She had arrived early for a class and setup her mat  in the practice space waiting for the class to start and chatting with some of the other students. Suddenly a person approached her and said that Alice was in her spot and that Alice […]

End of the one month yoga challenge

Way back at the end of May my teacher challenged her students to complete a yoga class a day for the month of June. Yoga everyday did not mean everyday.  We could take one day off a week (usually Saturday) skip Full Moon and New Moon days.  They were on Saturday in June, so there […]

End of Week 3 of the June yoga challenge

Well what a week!  This is for the week from Sunday June 13 to Saturday June 19.  In the previous weeks report I thought that this week should be mostly okay and that is the way it turned out. I did manage to do a yoga practice everyday from Sunday to Saturday again this week.