Stories from the Summer Pot Luck

There are two stories to be told. Where have you been? One of our members had not been to the studio since April of this year.  She recently started to attend classes again at the studio and at the Pot Luck she explained what had happened. She had been given a gift certificate of 20 […]

Open letter to Ashtanga yoga students by David Williams

Greetings and salutations from Maui! I have always wanted to come to Nova Scotia and now Jody and Ashtanga Yoga Halifax are making it possible. When I teach Yoga, I am always reminded that there are some major concepts about how Ashtanga Yoga is taught and practiced, based on my personal study, observation, and uninterrupted […]

How you can reduce your risk of heart attack

Early last month my brother and his wife came to Halifax from Moncton.  It was time for my sister-in-law to have her hip joint renewed.  She had had a new hip joint installed about 20 years ago and it had finally worn out.  The hip replacement went fine and she was recovering nicely when the […]

The Breath and your Yoga Practice

Ujjayi breath The Ujjayi breath (victorious breath) is a unique breathing technique which is performed by creating a soft sound at the back of the throat while inhaling and exhaling through the nose. The unique sound is similar to the winds in the trees, a distant ocean, or Darth Vader from “Star Wars”. It is […]

Moving through Menopause

Manage the effects of menopause without drugs. Yoga reduces the effects of menopause’s hormonal changes by balancing the endocrine system. Yoga calms the nervous system, reducing stress and the aggravation of hot flashes. Yoga is a weight-bearing exercise, strengthening our bones and preventing osteoporosis. Yoga also massages the reproductive organs, relieves pelvic congestion and headaches. […]

Hot Yoga vs Ashtanga Yoga

On Wednesday’s I teach Ashtanga yoga in our small practice space. This space will comfortably hold six people. Lately the Wednesday Ashtanga – I class (at 8:00 pm) has had about six people in it. This is a very comfortable number for the room and we have been generating a lot a heat in the […]

Yoga and weight loss

Through different yoga poses you can easily reduce extra fat from your body. Some of the poses stimulate sluggish glands to increase their hormonal secretions. For example, the thyroid gland has a big effect on your weight as it affects the bodies metabolism. Poses like shoulder stand and the fish pose strongly stimulate the thyroid gland. These poses increase fat metabolism thereby […]

6 benefits of Yoga

You start a yoga practice for many reasons.  On our registration form we ask you what are your goals.  The most frequent answers that we get in response are: lose weight Increase flexibility Decrease stress The benefits below can be achieved once you have developed a consistent and frequent yoga practice.  I talk about how frequent your yoga […]

Ego and Enthusiasm

Getting Started When you first start doing yoga you are very enthusiastic and want to do all of the poses as good as the person next to you.  Your ego gets in the way of what the body is trying to tell you and you push yourself harder than you should.  You go home and […]

PEI Ashtanga Workshop Report

September 14, 15 & 16 I and three members from the studio (Tanya, Susan and Kim) attended this workshop in Charlottetown PEI from Friday September 14th to Sunday September 16th. There were about 65 people attending the workshop. They came from all over the Maritimes and Maine. There was a wide range of skill levels and […]