How Often Should I Do Yoga

At my first Ashtanga yoga workshop in February 1999 the workshop leader, Beryl Bender Birch, was asked this question and she would not answer it directly. The best answer she said is that it depends on what you want to get out of yoga and how much time you have available to dedicate to your […]

Aimee White – Our Foreign Correspondant

My name is Aimee White and I hail from Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia. I completed my BA in Political Science at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 2004, and returned home to Halifax to begin my Masters in Political Science at Dalhousie in September 2005. I am currently trying to finish my thesis […]

I learned more about patience in yoga class

“Jack said it would take about 6 months for my fexibility to improve — actually I didn’t believe him at first! In the beginning you think that some of the poses are almost impossible to achieve, you think ‘how can my body ever do that?’ But he was right, it’s been 6 months and I’m just starting […]

A Yoga pose teaches patience

There has been one particular posture that I have not been able to complete on my left side from the beginning of my Ashtanga practice over 9 years ago. In Ardha Baddha PadmottasanaI have not been able to grab my big toe from behind my back and fold forward. Long ago I accepted the fact […]

Deepak Chopra's "Perfect Health"

In “Perfect Health” Chopra explains how Ayurvedic medicine can help people acheive perfect health and bring the body to homeostasis. Ayurvedic medicine is a system of medicine that originated in India several thousand years ago.  The term Ayurveda combines two Sanskrit words: ayur which means life, and veda, which means science of knowledge.  Ayurveda means […]