Why you should follow the Sun’s approach to achieve your yoga goals safely

Bob’s face is turning red. He is holding his breath as he struggles to bind in the twisting yoga pose. He has gone way beyond his edge. “Bob, you have to back off a little bit or you are going to hurt yourself!” says his yoga teacher. “You are following the Wind’s plan when you […]

How to use your Edge and improve Paschimottanasana

“The last time I tried Paschimottanasana I pulled my hamstrings and it took a couple of weeks for them to heal.” thought Alice “I hope this new technique works.” Alice inhales and lifts her torso slightly.  Exhaling she lowers her torso again.  With each breath she takes Alice is moving away from and towards her […]

Follow your Inner Budgie to get the most out of Konasana

Rupert, the green English Budgie glides across the room. He lifts his ribs, brings his hips forward and lands gently on the branch. Alice noticed that Rupert landed the same way that her yoga teacher wants her to move into so many yoga poses, lead with her hips. Just the other day he was admonishing […]