Category Archives: GOA Trip

The flights to India

Well there is lots to tell about the flights.  We had quite a few things go wrong between Jody and I.  Here is the story. Jack misses his flight Shirley and I left for the airport shortly after 5 pm for a flight departing at 8:05 pm for Ottawa. We to get to the airport […]

Landed in London – halfway there!

Vanessa and I have landed in London. The red eye was smooth but we slept little. We’re staying at Vanessa’s friend’s place. Took the train from the airport and then found her flat easy. Its about 4 degrees and damp here. Going to a yoga class this afternoon and Hairspray tonight. Meeting Jack and Jody […]

You need a tavel visa

I decided to wait a little while after the shots and passport acquisition before getting the travel visa.  One of the reasons to wait is that the visa time interval is active from the date it is issued to you and not from the date you enter the country.

Passport arrived

The passport arrived on Tuesday.  This was one week exactly from the day that I submitted the application.  The passport office commitment is 10 days and I got it in 7. I checked it out and everything looks fine. Now it is time to research the travel visa.

Vaccinations are done

Maintaining good health is essential for a fulfilling life. This includes not only getting regular checkups and preventative care but also being prepared for unexpected health concerns. Whether it’s receiving vaccinations before traveling or knowing where to go in case of an urgent medical issue, taking care of our health is vital. In some cases, […]

Long Distance air travel advice

Chris Garrett wrote an article on with 10 tips for long distance air travels. From meticulous booking to thoughtful preparation and staying connected during your journey, these tips can help you navigate the challenges of long-haul flights. AS for additional travel insights and comprehensive guidance on making your trips seamless, consider exploring the resources available […]

Canadian Blood Services and travel to India

I give platelets every two weeks.  This week I asked the screening nurse what impact will my trip to India have on my ability to donate blood.  Here is the story. Vaccinations I will need to wait three months after I have had a vaccination before I can give blood again. Travel to India India […]

Going to Purple Valley Retreat Week one of preparation

There are three of us from Sunrise Yoga studio (Sarah, Vanessa and myself) that are planning on going to Purple Valley Retreat in Goa.  Sarah has been the instigator to get the rest of us moving. I had been planning on going to Purple Valley one of these years to study with Nancy Gilgoff.  My […]