Category Archives: Newsletter

Past News letter articles

How to relieve back pain, try yoga

Betty came up to me after yoga class. She was very excited because she had some good news from her doctor. About a year ago her doctor suggested that Betty start yoga because it would be good for the back pain that she was suffering. Betty’s experience over the past year matches a recently released […]

How to protect yourself from a face plant in Chatarunga Dandasana

The floor was rushing up towards Bob really fast.  Bob was afraid that he was going to do a face plant again.  He did not have enough strength in his arms and shoulders to hold his body off of the floor.  At the last second Bob turned his head to the side and avoided smashing […]

How Yoga helps you to loose weight

Yeah, right! Doing a couple of down dogs and breathing differently is going to help you lose weight. Sitting in strange poses with your arms and legs in different places does not seem like the sort of stuff that will help you to shed those unwanted pounds. Surprisingly yoga can help you lose weight. There […]

How to use the play block technique to do a twist

Alice is at her sister’s home. Her niece is building a tower with her play blocks. She slowly stacks one block on top of the next until she has a tall tower in place. Each block that she places is twisted slightly to the side. The tower is spiralling upward. Alice is surprised at how […]

How to avoid the Petrified Tree Effect after your First Yoga Class

The TV shows a close up of a tree.  This tree has not moved in over 225 million years. Alice is sitting at home in her bathrobe watching a documentary on the Petrified Forest National Park in northeastern Arizona by the National Geographic Society after her first yoga class. Alice is glad that she listened […]