Category Archives: Newsletter

Past News letter articles

Lynn Jones Testimonial

Yoga has literally been a positive life changing event for me and Sunrise Yoga has added immensely to this reality. My initial fears, given my declared obesity, was that I would experience little benefit given my lack of flexibility and body proportions. My initial hopes was that my situation would be accommodated. My found reality at […]

How to use the roller coaster approach to protect your heels in Supta Konasana

You are rushing forward with tremendous speed. The turn is approaching too fast. You are holding onto your safety harness.  Is your car going to stay on the track or are you going to go flying off of the roller coaster and into the parking lot? Sometimes you can feel like this with your yoga […]

How to avoid the bow and protect your lower back in Paschimottanasana

Alice is attempting to do Paschimottanasana, which is a simple forward fold.  Her back is in a big curve like a bow and her hips are tipped way back behind her.  Her back is curved almost in a half circle. This is not good. This will put a lot of pressure and stress on her […]