Category Archives: Newsletter

Past News letter articles

What to do when your yoga mat dies

Alice’s hands are sliding further away and her feet are sliding towards the back of her mat. “If this keeps up, this Down Dog is going to be laying down.” thought Alice “I thought these mats are supposed to be sticky!” It is past time for Alice to replace her yoga mat. The loss of […]

How to take the first step into space; lift off in Navasana

The rocket lifted off briefly and then fell over. The next rocket did not even get off the ground. There were a lot of rocket launches that failed in the early days of space flight according to the documentary that Alice was watching. Over time as they got better at building them the rocket launches […]

Why you should talk to your yoga teacher

“Come on, I will introduce you to my teacher.” Alice said to Elizabeth as they entered the yoga studio. Alice’s teacher was there talking to a few other students as they entered. Elizabeth needs to talk to her teacher about many different things at different times: Before class After class During class This is Elizabeth’s […]