Gina and Amita add some cans of milk to our small but growing pyramid.
The food banks are always in need of food regardless of the time of year. The North Dartmouth Outreach Resource centre among other things runs the food bank in the North End of Dartmouth.
They always have a need for canned milk, canned fish and canned meat.
For this karma class as the name implies we are focusing on collecting many cans of milk. Rather than donating cash bring in lots of cans of milk. If you would normally donate $20 to this cause then bring in 20 cans of milk. To learn more about our karma classes check out our karma page under our events section.
Lets see how tall a pyramid we can build before we start the class. Our goal is to collect 400 cans of milk which will give the food bank a month worth of milk for their clients.
There will be a combined Qigong class followed by a separate gentle yoga and vigorous yoga class. The event details are down below.
North Dartmouth Outreach and Resource Centre
The North Dartmouth Outreach and Resource Centre (NDORC) was founded in 1996 with the mission to assist low income families in the community of North Dartmouth to achieve self-empowerment and self-sufficiency.
They do this by providing a food bank and outreach resource services from the facility graciously provided to them by Stairs Memorial United Church. There are five member churches: Grace United, Holy Trinity Emmanuel Anglican, Saint Andrew’s Anglican, Port Wallis United and Stairs Memorial.
NDORC is a member of the Feed Nova Scotia network, and they partner with the Public Good Society of Dartmouth, who provide a van for the Food Bank to use.
Saturday 23 April from 1:30 pm to 3 pm
Sunrise Yoga Studio
505 – 73 Tacoma Drive
By donation. We suggest 5 cans of milk or more.
North Dartmouth Outreach food bank