Once you get your hands in correct place on the floor they do not move until the Sun Salute is complete.
Imagine that every time you do a Sun Salute that your wrists hurt. You would quickly decide that you did not want to do Sun Salutes anymore. But Sun Salutes are an important part of your yoga practice. If you leave out the Sun Salutes you will be missing a lot of benefits that come from your yoga practice.
Now imagine that you can do a Sun Salute and there is no pain in your wrists. Imagine how much more enjoyable your yoga practice will be.
All you need to do is get your hands in the proper position when you start your Sun Salute to avoid pain and injury.
What is a Sun Salute
A Sun Salute is a series of nine yoga postures that are done one after the other to the breath. Inhaling you open or expand your body and move into one of the nine postures. Exhale and you close or compress your body and move into the next posture. You do this alternately opening and closing your body as you move through the nine postures of the Sun Salute.
Why do you need to get your hands in the right place
Getting your hands in the right place will provide the proper support for your torso and avoid injuring your wrists, shoulders or neck during the Sun Salute. Once you have your hands in the correct position you will be able to move safely through the entire set of postures that make up the Sun Salute.
Once you have your hands in the right place your hands will be directly under your shoulders and the weight on the inside and outside of your wrists will balanced. The weight from your body will flow directly from your torso through your shoulders into your arms and then into your wrists. With the weight balanced properly there will be no injury to your hands or wrists.
When do you get your hands in the right place
You get your hands in the right place right at the beginning of the Sun Salute Series. The second posture is when you bring your hands to the floor. Once you get your hands on the floor, they should stay there without moving around until you complete the Sun Salute and come back to standing.
How do you get your hands in the right place
In the first posture of the Sun Salute your hands are off of the floor. They are up over your head. In the second posture your hands come to the floor and they stay there until the end of the series.
In the second posture of the Sun salute you bend forward, bring the top of your hips forward and down.
Bring your hands flat to the floor either side of your feet. Your big toes are touching and there is a slight gap between your heels.
Spread your fingers wide. Your finger tips should be in line with your toes. Your thumbs should almost be touching the sides of your feet. Your fingers should be pointing straight ahead and your wrists should be on the floor.
With your hands on the floor beside your feet you move through the rest of the postures of the Sun Salute. Your hands should not move around on the floor while you move through the rest of the postures.
What happens if your hands are in the wrong place
If you have your hands further out to the side away from your feet then the weight in your shoulders, wrists and hands will be unbalanced. This imbalance will result in stress in these joints. And this can lead to an injury. It will probably take time but you will find the your shoulders, arms, wrists and hands will start to hurt after a while if you continue to do your Sun Salutes with the hands wider apart.
But, My hands don’t reach the floor
There are couple of reasons why your hands will not reach the floor.
- You have a long legs and short arms.
- Your hamstrings are tight and you can not move the top of your hips far enough forward when you fold forward.
In both of these cases your hands will not reach the floor. The same solution applies in both of these situations.
Bend your knees when you fold forward. Bend your knees enough that you can get your hands flat to the floor beside your feet. Once you get your hands firmly on the floor start to lift your hips until you feel the weight start to come off of your hands. Hold your position here with your legs slightly bent.
Now you proceed through the rest of the Sun Salute postures, keeping your legs bent where necessary so that your hands will always be on the floor.
To avoid injury to your shoulders, wrists and hands be sure to get your hands in the correct place when you are doing a Sun Salute.
Your hands are beside your feet and almost touching your feet.
Your fingers are in line with your toes and they are flat to the floor.
With your hands in the right place the pain in your wrists will be gone and the Sun Salutes will be a pleasure.
Next steps
Ask your teacher to watch you the next time you do a Sun Salute. They will be able to help you to get your hands in the right place beside your feet and prevent your from injuring yourself.