Exhale, lower torso and gaze through the legs.
Uttanasana (standing forward bend)
This is the same position as Position 2 except that you enter it from the chest lifted positon rather than the hands up position.
In the previous position you had your hands flat to the floor or on your shins and your chest and head were lifted away from your legs.
In this position you:
- you exhale
- lower your chest towards your legs and
- gaze down your nose towards the horizon.
How to do it
Begin to exhale as you lower your head and chest towards your legs. Eventually your chest and head will come in contact with your legs and your gaze will be down your nose through your legs towards the horizon.
Keep your hands either on the floor or on your shins as they were in the previous position.
You should end up in the same position as you did in Positon 2 above.
Continue to engage Udidyana bundha
If your hips are stiff you will not be able to lower your chest and head all the way to your legs. You should maintain a gentle stretch in your hamstrings as you lower your chest and head.
If your legs were bent to get your hands to the floor in the previous position then you should continue with the bent legs here. You might be able to lift the hips slightly towards the ceiling as you lower your chest and head.
If your hands were on your shins in the previous position then you should continue this position with the hands in this same position. You may find that as you lower your chest and head that you are able to get your hands to the floor. if this is the case then go ahead and move the hands flat to the floor as you lower the head and chest towards your legs.
Do not hang in a forward fold with the hands off of the floor. This can cause a great deal of stress to the muscles in the lower back. Put the hands on the shins to support the lower back.
Arms up, the ninth and final position of the Sun Salute series, is next. This position is a mild back bend. This is another of the repeated positions as you continue to move back towards Tadasana.
Previous Position (Jump forward lift chest and head)
Next Position (Arms up)