Tag Archives: seated poses

How to use the Lighthouse Technique to protect your back

The Lighthouse stands tall on the point of land shining its powerful light out to sea protecting the ships from the dangerous rocks nearby. Bob’s yoga teacher tells him that he needs to use the Lighthouse Technique to protect his back and improve his forward folds. Bob is working on Paschimottanasana one of many forward […]

Why embracing the crow will improve your yoga practice

Bob is working on Paschimottanasana and his short hamstrings are preventing him from moving very far into the pose. His hands are only getting just beyond his knees. It does not matter what he does he can get no further. His yoga teacher tells him to embrace the crow and improvements will come. He tells […]

How to keep your boat afloat when doing Navasana

Bob’s boat is sinking! Navasana also known as boat pose is not one of Bob’s favourite poses.   Whenever he attempts this pose, his back starts to round and both his legs and torso gradually sink towards the floor. There are three things that Bob can do to keep his boat afloat. What is Navasana Navasana […]

How to remove the leaning tower of Pisa effect from your one leg forward fold pose

Alice walks around the corner of the cathedral and then she sees it.  She stops and looks closely at the tower.  It has been leaning like that for over 800 years and it has not fallen down. The leaning tower of Pisa reminds Alice of the the problem that she  has when she does Triang […]

How to hold onto your slippery foot in Ardha Baddha Padma Pashimottasana

Early I published an article that explained how to prevent your hand from sliding off of your foot in Ardha Baddha Padma Pashimottasana. Here is a brief excerpt Alice came to me with a problem the other day. She is trying to hold on to her toe in Ardha Baddha Padma Pashimottanasana. Every time she […]