Sun Salute A Position #2

Uttanasana (standing forward bend)


Fold forward, lower torso to thighs and bring the hands to the floor.

In the previous position you are standing tall with your arms up over your head.  Uttanasana, the second position of the Sun Salute A series, is a strong forward bend. You are going to:

  • Exhale
  • fold forward
  • bring the hands to the floor beside your feet and
  • gaze down the nose and through the legs

How to do it

In the previous position you are standing tall with your arms up over your head. From there you begin to exhale and start to bring your arms down to shoulder height with the palms facing upwards.  At the same time your start to fold forward from your hips. The position of your arms and body resemble a swan dive.

The forward fold starts at the hip joint with the thighs and not at the top of the hips.  You tip the top of your hips forward as you bring your torso forward and down.  Your spine is long and slightly rounded.  Uddiayna bundha is engaged which will help to protect your low back.

As you continue to fold forward from the hip joint you lower your arms down towards the floor.  Eventually your hands will come to the floor with the fingers spread and pointing forward.  Bring the hands flat to the floor with the finger tips in line with the toes and the thumbs almost touching the sides of the feet.

Your gaze is down the nose through the legs towards the horizon.


Tight hamstrings

If your hamstrings are tight and you can almost reach the floor then you should bend your knees slightly until you can get your hands on the floor.  Once you have your hands are on the floor gently lift your hips towards the ceiling and gently stretch your hamstrings.

If your hamstrings are really tight and getting the hands to the floor even if you are bending your knees is not possible then you should do this. Fold forward as far as possible and bring your hands to your shins.  This will help to support your back.  When you put your hands to your knees (or eventually to the floor) you will be supporting the weight of your back on your hands and removing the strain from your low back.  This will avoid injury to your low back.

Crowded space variation

If you are in a crowded room with the mats laid out really close to each other there are two arm variations you can use to avoid hitting the person next to you when you swing your arms out to the side as you fold forward.

Option 1 : Stagger your mats

This option will require some co-ordination with your neighbors.  The person in the middle should step forward one step and the people on either side should take one step back.   This way when you fold forward and swing your arms out to the side the people beside you will not be hit by your arms.

Option 2: Swing the arms forward and down rather than out to the side

With the arms up overhead, firm Uddiyana Bundha and begin to exhale.  Bring the top of the hips forward and down towards the floor.  Turn the palms towards the floor as you begin the forward fold.

Keep the arms straight and bring the palms to the floor on either side of your feet.  The finger tips and the toes should all be in a straight line.  Spread the fingers wide and stretch the thumbs out to the side as well.  The thumbs should just barely touch the side of the feet.

Lower the head towards the floor as well and gaze down the nose through the legs.

See the modification section above if you cannot get your hands to the floor beside your feet.


Do not hold forward and hold that position with your arms down and your hands off of the floor.  This position, folded forward with your hands in the air, will put a great deal of stress and strain on your low back and could lead to injured low back muscles.  Be sure to either put your hands on the floor or put your hands on your shins (see the modifications above).  Both of these hand positions will remove the strain from your lower back.


The third position of the Sun Salute series is next.  It is a mild back bend.

Previous Position (Arms up)

Sun Salute Article List

Next Position (Lift chest and head)

Written by

Jack teaches Tai Chi & Qigong in Dartmouth NS. He teaches class via Zoom and in person. In person classes are at North Woodside Community Centre as well as outdoors. Jack also teaches at the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM). He teaches the students how to include Qigong in their Acupuncture practice.